5 Ways SEO Experts Are Using ChatGPT Right Now

5 Ways SEO Experts Are Using ChatGPT Right Now

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a significant language learning model. It can interact with people in a conversational manner using artificial intelligence (AI) and vast amounts of data, responding to follow-up inquiries, admitting errors, declining unsuitable requests, and even refuting false premises. While not specifically a Google competitor, this OpenAI chatbot is altering the way…

Google Updates Article Structured Data Guidance

Google Updates Article Structured Data Guidance

Google updated the Article structured data documentation to accommodate the BlogPosting, NewsArticle, and Article Schema types. The revised recommendations modify the headline property to bring it into compliance with the recommendations for title elements and title links. Article Structured Data Due to the fact that so much content is in the form of various sorts…

In-video search along with other search technology launched by Google in India

Google Launches New Search Technology, Including In-Video Search

Google is introducing cutting-edge search technology, such as bilingual search results and in-video search in India. The following search enhancements were announced during Google’s eighth Google For India event this week: Search in-video Bilingual search results Bilingual voice search Natural language search in Google Pay Handwriting to text translation via Google Lens It’s important to…

The correct way of doing rank tracking

Rank Tracking: The Proper Way To Do It

To maximise your SEO efforts, it’s still crucial to effectively perform rank tracking in a correct way. Monitoring your website’s keyword rankings may help you make sure it is visible, occupying valuable search engine space, and generating additional traffic, sales, conversions, and money. The ability to track the effectiveness of your website will enable you…

HTTP/3 Doesn’t Impact SEO, says Google

HTTP/3 Doesn’t Impact SEO – Google

John Mueller, a promoter of Google Search, disproves the idea that a website’s SEO can be negatively impacted by HTTP/3’s faster speed. The Google SEO office hours Q&A session for November 2022 includes a discussion of this subject. Muller responds to the following query with the assistance of the Google Search Relations team: Could the…

Alt Text: What is It & How to Write

Alt Text: What It Is & How To Write

You will learn about alternative text (alt text) in this article, including what it is, why it’s crucial for SEO, how to utilize it properly, and more. This is a really useful and concise tutorial that offers pointers and recommendations you can apply right away to enhance the accessibility and image SEO of your website.…

Google Updates Review Snippet Structured Data

Google Updates Review Snippet Structured Data

To standardise the way numbers are written in the structured data code for reviews, Google modified the review snippet. The modification standardises one method for writing decimal numbers as opposed to another that is rather popular in other nations. Review Snippet Structured Data For websites that incorporate product reviews, the review snippet structured data is…