Google Search Removal Process: Insights from John Mueller

Google’s Personal Information Removal Process by John Mueller

In the realm of our increasingly interconnected society, safeguarding one’s privacy has become paramount, particularly in light of the ease with which personal information can be found online. This has spurred a growing demand for effective measures, such as Google search removal, that allow individuals to regain control over their online presence. Recently, a Reddit…

How user experience matters to seo

How User Experience Matters to SEO?

The user experience in SEO plays a pivotal role in determining the usability of a website, yet it is often underestimated. Neglecting to prioritize a positive user experience and intuitive navigation on your site can result in visitors gravitating toward your competitors. This comprehensive guide aims to enlighten you on the various aspects of user…

ssl certificate

Google Says SSL Certificate Does Not Boost SEO

John Mueller from Google dismissed the idea that having an SSL certificate would enhance a website’s SEO, making it clear that an SSL certificate does not improve your SEO. Post on Mastodon About SSL and SEO The encounter happened on Mastodon, where a member called EncryptedFence posted: “Boost your website’s SEO and reputation with a must-have…

New open source chatgpt clone, Dolly

Dolly – The New Open Source ChatGPT Clone

The release of the Dolly Large Language Model (DLL) by the business software company Databricks marked another advancement for Open Source GPT Chat. The new ChatGPT clone has been given the name Dolly in honor of the eponymous sheep, which was the first mammal to be cloned. Open Source Large Language Models The Dolly LLM…

Banner of 10 Essential technical seo tools for agencies

10 Essential Technical SEO Tools For Agencies

There are lots of technical SEO tools. Tools are only one aspect of the issue, though. Without a technical SEO expert with experience to direct the strategy and guarantee effective results, tools are useless. However, in the hands of a skilled expert, instruments are capable of many amazing feats. Things can be improved with less…